For you Bryan Callen

This blog here is unlike the others. This blog is absolutely 100% true. *

As I set out on my 15 year plan, I chose you Bryan, more like you chose me, to help Hollywood understand this idea.

Because I've never written it down for the public to see, yet I'm writing it to you for the world to see... well, no one has seen it yet because nobody really reads this blog besides my mother who says she reads it, but just opens it and tells me the words look good, which is: 

As a Buddhist, tired of seeing people blowing themselves up in the name of religion, tired of seeing children living in those places, it is my goal to bring as many more temples to the gated temple area of Kataragama, Sri Lanka to add to the Buddhist, Muslim, and Hindu temples that are already there, temples that pray side-by-side with each other and participate in each other' s religious ceremonies. I have already started a hotel there 10 years ago and have progressively participated in their religious ceremonies with the goal to bring the powers that be, the money, and the attention, to the place on the island and the world that I decided I could make possible. I can do this Bryan. I just could use some help.

I chose you, Bryan, because out of everyone that I have ever listened to and followed, you are able to understand this idea more than anyone. How I plan on doing it, you're gonna be one of the only people that are going to back me when I do it at first.  And most importantly, I believe that you will believe me when I say I can do this with or without you, but with you will make it so much better. Then maybe you can help me convince Eddie to come to a place where I can show him that the Earth really is round because his yapping about a flat Earth is bouncing in my brain and it's starting to hurt.

I am the Yin, Edgar the Yang

Fact or fiction in this blog? You be the judge.  Don't take too long doing so though, that's boring.

I realized today staring off into space, that people might mistake my intentions of Edgar. The physical similarities that are becoming Edgar mirror my own, the tattoo in general, which someone just loved and waited to critically point out, his philosophy similar to mine. It would be not only ironic, but raw humor for me to think anything but the opposite, because He is not I, nor I, Him.

He is, what I am not. He is a leader. He is disciplined, forged, focused, determined. His dragon is on his opposite shoulder defending his back, mine on my left, protecting my heart leaving me ultimately vulnerable. Unlike me, Edgar rides free and true, unwavering and steady. I shake and doubt. He is strong when I am weak. He has faith when I do not, which is eternal in its cycle.

I have the little piece of Him inside of me as the Yin does the Yang. He has my Yin inside of Him to connect me to Him. He is a figment of my imagination, yet he gives me the tangible strength I need to move forward with my mission. My heart is bound to his, yet his is bound to none and everyone together. 

His powers are limitless, yet I purposefully limit my power. He is my teacher, yet one day I hope him to be my student when I can tame my dragon. He is who I strive to become. He is who I wish to be everyday, which is, the opposite of who I feel I really am. 


Oh, Achilles

As always, fact or fiction here? You'll never know you ruthless, powerful reader. And to the powerless reader, I'm a writer, not an editor you lovely douchebag, so there are gonna be mistakes.  

Drunk and stoned in a wannabe place in the outskirts of Q6 with the thoughts among my mind. 420 Outlawed is about ready to take affect at midnight tonight. 2077. A year after the Amen came in droves. A year after the world was split into Quadrants. Yet, the Amen could not claim that one.

 AI thinks the fragments of the moon might cast a shadow favorably onto our planet, but chaos is ultimately going to ensue. Martial Law was thrown out the window a few days before when the Amen realized that even Acommanders were vulnerable to a ground assembly. Amen Law is now in effect. Drones probe the air, Amen hover from above. Those who did not not follow the rules were terminated indiscriminately. The idea of an Acommander, an Amen's right of passage, was almost completely eliminated at the Battle of TelluRidge. Drones, slaves, and the occasional Henchman were enough to control Earth's population for a time when the Amen had to regroup and reorganize.  It didn't change the fact that World Intel hacked The Hack and leaked their food formula, their almost perfect plan to contaminate Earth's entire population, leaving them completely vulnerable to The Claw, the Scanner ship frequency that could mind lock any being into total submission. That just about changed the tide of the revolution. For once, all of the Quadrants could agree that it was a revolution and not a resistance. We revolt. We do not resist. The Amen had already pushed us past a resistance.

My mission was chosen and accepted. The World Hopper burned as it always did when I passed through. My bag was on fire. My skin, sweltered, rised, burned, and was bubbling when I crossed the threshold. I tried, My Life Force, I tried, but it hurt too much, and I passed out before I could hit the breach button. I heard the chant, "Ysquared" or was it "Why2" ring out as the flash of a Time Buster knocked me totally unconscious. But the being was able to inject the medicine to treat my burns before they was sucked back into the void.

There was another flash. I felt the dragon against my skin lift, and the light of the tunnel blinded me before her arm pulled me through. It wasn't a World Hopper. It was something else, but I knew what it was because it had been instilled in my unconscious memory by The Life Force, The Energy before I had left, maybe even when I was born, but I had only realized it at that time. Before I had left the first place, the first time I was truly born. I was still the only documented being to have full consciousness the moment I was born.

I felt the needle penetrate my skin as the dragon sighed. It wasn't much progress, but it grew, and little did I know, but that was the last pleasant feeling I was going to have for the next 16 years. While all of this was passing through my head, it didn't occur to me that my bag was still smoldering and I had an explosive made up of ground up crystals from the caves in Zone 4 inside that had needed to pass through the gate with me. But it didn't matter because that explosive was in the very center 




421, 69, 40

As always, what you read here may or may not happen, have happened, WILL happen, or could/could've happen/happened. Fuck that's confusing. Oh, and I'm not an ayditur.

Bombarded with 69s over the course of the past few months. Bombarded. Coming at my from everywhere.  I thought it was because I joined and had a kinky streak going, but I have been hit sideways, up, down, and from inside out with 69s.  I said outloud, "well, the sign of the 69 is Cancer, I was born the 1st day of Cancer, June 22, and this year I turned 40. With 421 being synchronistical, those are some synched up numbers. That's a synched up pattern.

Last month I said that this month something was going to happen because I not only felt it, but dreamed it in my mind. I imagined it, visualized it. And I realized why everything was seemingly working against me the past few weeks. I would've had a kickass (or so I thought) online teaching job making a ton more money than I am now (about $12 a day at the moment), but those losers couldn't get their shit together enough to fix a technical problem for over a week. Their heads were so far up their asses, they fucked up my pay from class one, spent weeks trying to fix a problem that still isn't sorted, and have been the most inept group of imbecile lunatics I've ever had the discomfort of ever working with. And had I gotten the job, the week before I would've probably been working instead of going to one of the most interesting interview/auditions I've ever had the pleasure of going to in my entire life.  And two things might happen from it: something or nothing, both I'm open for.

I got my van, although technically it's a sport wagon, 7 seater, totally unsexy... perfect. I had an interview for a private teaching job, one that my boss, AKA, "Mo", said was uncanny in the timing of my return... huh, "go figure" I said, and I came up with the idea that on top of driving Uber with this... gem-of-a-car I got... so clean. So, so clean inside, I'm going to try to start a driving service for Japanese drivers.  I have to do it legally of course, but it could be a way to get a bit of business going while I'm here. That's something I can do. 

My Lyft, Uber, USKid applications are out there ready to be picked up. I have to schedule another teaching demo lesson and make up for that horrible and horrendous company 51talk is #51talksucks . That was the worst experience of my life. I'm heading to Nashville to help my friend move, a great buddy from Korea is reading my book and giving me good insight to it, good critiques, and it just so happens that said-moving-to-Nashville friend is a University writing professor and she needs some work. So she's going to edit my book.

So, 421... thank you for showing up on my birthday yesterday. 421 points on my nephew's card. Now I'm wondering if my sister and her husband are in on this shit too. If 69 and all of the numbers mean the sign of Cancer, 40, and 421 synch up, then I'm just wondering when we're gonna get this show on the road.  Needless to say, but I'm completely excited.

Can't get this song out of my head:


Buying... a van.

As always, what you read here could be fact or fiction. Not up to you to decide, just to enjoy.

A minivan actually. I have been shopping for mini vans lately.

3 reasons why:

1. I couldn't imagine a better vehicle to take camping with a group of people or even alone and have the ability to sleep inside. Like, real sleeping in a comfortable and warm position. Not to mention I'll have that room to haul stuff if I need to build something else. I'm addicted to building, especially after building my workout station in the backyard.

2. I'm just going to do the #andymitton thing and drive Uber. A minivan will give me the ability to make more money.

3. It is the least sexy car I could possibly have. This is what I want.

When I was at the dealership today our Middle Eastern salesman opens the door to a beautiful looking Nissan Quest and right away, that nice outside look this Nissan had turned to dirt dirt dirty on the inside. I had no qualms about telling him too, which he was embarrassed about. He is from the Middle East; they are a clean people, so this was to my advantage. When he leaned in to rest his elbow on the arm rest it fell completely off and he fell forward crashing into the seat as if the heavens opened and gave me one big comedic moment and a HUGE bargaining chip. I started complaining loudly how I drove 30 minutes to see a dirty car that's falling apart. He had his detailers out there reassuring me as he's sweating. He says to me, "It's $7000, but I'll give it to you for $6000." I smiled inside, let it pass for a moment, complained some more about the shit that was falling off the car and said, "well, it's listed for $5995, right?" and he hung his head low. I went on to show that I had already researched the Carfax report, one owner, no accidents. 

Tomorrow I'm going back to buy it if it doesn't fall apart when I take it for a test drive. It has a three month warranty for the big stuff. And I love bartering with a Middle Eastern, especially one that leans on an arm rest and breaks it off when he's showing it to me. What a cliche. Yeah, I'm going to buy it if it sounds and rides good. You know why? Because the goddamn number signs showed me all the way there to the car dealership.

The thing that got me was when he gave me his business card it said "Zach" on it. I asked him what his real name is. He got flustered and mumbled out the words, "well, in the Middle East Zach is short for Zachariah." But he lied about it, I mean about it being his name. He had those tells when he said it, eye aversion and whatnot that told me Zach is not his REAL birth name. Maybe he was hiding what really is a Muslim name. 

I drove home and realized that Zach is probably the name he is using so that people don't target him for having a Muslim name and being Muslim. It made me kind of sad, but then I thought that he might have a different name because he's trying to sell people cars that are $5 more than the list price and people are out to get him. Whatever the reason... another person for me to fight for to be free. 

I changed my mind...

As always, what you read could be how I feel or something from the next story in the Finding Jack 420 series.

I changed my mind. I am angry. Those of you out there that were sent to monitor me, make sure I'm psychologically sound through this whole process... I'm talking to you. I'm angry because now you're being too fucking obvious with what you do or DON'T do, and some of you are just being flat out fucking rude. Do your fucking jobs, elicit no suspicion, and for fuck's sake all of you stop acting like scared little children. Now you're all marked like glow in the dark paint at a rave out in public. Act like fucking warriors. It's embarrassing.

This Weird thing about Instagram...

As always, what you read here could be fact or fiction. Some parts may be notes for future books, some may be random thoughts, and some are thoughts that my other personalities are discussing in my head. Oh, and I'm a writer, not an editor. I do edit my pieces, but I'm not perfect, and neither are you.

It isn't really weird about Instagram, just patterns I'm starting to pick up. So in the beginning I would get really excited when I would get a follower when I'd post pics for Finding Jack 420 the Prequel. Then I'd wake up the next day and they'd be gone. I'd think, 'holy shit, my stuff isn't good.' Then I would close my eyes and kick that thought out of my brain. I'd like to think I'm humble, but I know my stuff is anything other than 'not good'.  So then I started thinking about the psychology of this game that everyone is playing to get famous. There are 27,098,079,797,080 glass blowers, then growers... whoa... take that and times that by about 10. Everyone is shouting 'me me me'. Some are better at it than others. So the ones that like my post possibly like it because they want me to like their page, so they like mine first. There are a lot of those. That's ok. There are jewelry makers, original artists, photographers, and social media wannabe kings and queens. All of them trying to play the game. I like games, but not as much as these people.

I also like the ones that go with nothing but sex. Those followers are mint. They like every single picture that you ever put out, for weeks and weeks. Then you start liking them. Then they turn on the juice. It's entertaining, but anyone can take a sexy pic with a joint. The joint just increases your sexuality by ten fold, so anyone that smokes with their tits hanging out or their butt in the air looks hot. I'd like to see some pics with some big girls in them. People would still like the hell out of them and they'd still be entertaining as much as a picture of trying to shove a blunt in a duck's mouth before it bites your eyes out of their sockets.

Then there are people that like my pics for the pure, wholesome content of the pictures. They don't read the hashtags or they don't understand what 420 means. I love tagging a picture of a temple with #christianity or #religion by someone. Then they drop me as soon as they see a picture of weed on Instagram. That makes me happy when that happens. I always picture some grandma or Bible wearing religious freak who dismisses the argument that there are countless references of weed in the Bible picking up their phone and seeing my name with a smile only to see two eye-stringed aliens made out of painted pipe cleaners with a giant nugget in the foreground with something like 'Fuck, that shit gets me stoned out of my gourd.' written as a meme. Moments when my sprinkled anarchy into the world becomes a picture in my brain are the really little joys in my life.

But then there are the fans. The real, true fans that like your pics on a regular basis. The ones that are always around and don't want anything from you. Those are the ones I'm going to follow. Those are the ones who I want to know and understand their lives. I have one follower that doesn't post very often, but she likes just about everything I do. She posted the other day, and it was in Spanish, which I haven't spoken on a daily basis for over 10 years. So I spent about an hour translating her post because I just didn't want to look at it and leave a meaningless comment. I wanted to understand her. I realized that I have an overwhelming need to understand people.

Oh, and this week Adam Carolla liked my favorite picture. I even said to my mom that I wanted more people to like that picture of Edgar Phillipe and not the ones of the weed leaves. And I was reminded that life is not about quantity sometimes, sometimes it's about quality.


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As always, whenever you read this blog I will put disclaimers in if they are stories that are told. What you read may or may not be true. Some of these are notes and ideas for the next book, although you'll have no idea where anything comes from. Nobody has been able to crack the codes in my writing yet.

There's been a group of people that have been following me for, well, just about as long as I can remember. They've always been there. I have seen them over the years, especially when I was younger, when those convex glasses you get to put on when you reach adulthood do not cover a child's eyes. They've been there, I've seen them, but I never associated them with anything. But I knew they were different. I knew they were special and I knew they were there only for me.

I can see them still, but now I know why they are there. I realized that there job has been to not only blend in to everything and everywhere, but it was also to help me blend in, to hide and disguise me. Make me normal. They did a great job. They hid me so well trained me to do so from a young age that the people around me didn't even know me; partly that is my nature, for I now know and understand who I am. I know they had to. I understand now the importance of it. 

My mother just came into my room and told me she never knew how creative I was. I'm 42 years old, discharged dishonorably without a regret or care about it. I have no job, but the people that are supposed to be close to me can finally see who I am. It's because I can finally see who I am. Clearly, without the convex lenses as an adult. The people that trained me in the shadows were responsible for my camouflage. I realized that just now. I had the option to be angry, but I realized that anger is weak. I am not weak. I know what I am, therefore I am not angry at my protectors. I just wanted them to know that. 

A little steamy...

I was asked by another writer friend to contribute to his book. I love doing this because it stretches my boundaries as a writer and let's me explore areas I don't get a chance to share, even though I think about stuff like that all of the time in meditation.

Again, as any blog on here, any WORD on here actually... question what you read and doubt it's authenticity.

This one is very very graphic. Don't read unless you like experiencing sexual arousal.

This was like 10 years ago. My buddy comes over from Jakarta with his girlfriend. He’s like 20 years older than me and walks with a cane after a stroke he had. His Chinese girlfriend was literally the horniest thing I had ever encountered in my entire life. I mean this woman smelled like pussy juice and was always grinding her hips a bit on the chairs she’d sit in.

So my buddy starts talking about how his girl has always wanted to film during sex. I just laughed and said in a casual way, “wow, I just got a new camera.”

Feeny’s ears perked up, the check was paid, and before you know it we were back at my apartment, she has her cheek rubbing against my mattress with her ass up in the air and Sri Cri Cri had his fingers shoved deep inside her as I’m lighting bowls of weed and fumbling to get my camera on and rolling.

Well, there’s me, trying to film and be professional as a photographer, which is what I went to school for, but I kept getting a hard on like no other. Looking back on the video it is so funny because I’m trying to take filler minutes of lens flares, lighting candles and going night vision with shadow clitoris’, but trying not to look at those two that were fucking their brains out on my bed. Sri Cri Cri was straight faced and having a conversation with me while he pointing out he hit her G spot with his fingers and the vaginal secretions have increased paraphrasing him, but you get the idea.

Well, after about an hour I pull out a vibrating egg and throw It on the bed, followed by a condom that is thrown like a ninja star and a Frisbee at the same time. Those are swooped up in a second, and she starts screaming like the devil entered her cervix and planted acidic sperm along her tract along the way. And she liked it. This woman screamed so loud that the dog across the street started barked. It’s Asia. Everyone lives on top of each other.

I’m standing up at the corner of my bed and can’t take it anymore. I pull out my dick and start whacking off, only to hear Sri Cri Cri say between overweight pants “you can join in if you want.” When he said that Feeny sucked up my dick like a vacuum cleaner.

I kept the camera rolling. I wasn’t drunk, but the room went fuzzy and I woke up shoving the vibrating egg into her asshole. And she loved it.

I video taped us fucking for about 6 hours on and off. We took breaks, had towel wipe downs, snacks, smoked more, drank wine. At one point I closed my eyes with Feeny going down on me, I open them to see Sri Cri Cri jacking me off and I smack his hand away with a stern “No!”  He complies and we go back to fucking Feeny until morning.

We slept about 3 hours, took a bus to the intercity terminal, had a lovely meal along the coast and watched the boats come in and out of the harbor.

Angst, Aggression, Fuck Average, Amazing

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like you've been punched in the gut? Like... you waited to get the job you wanted only to find out that the seeds you once had in your bag unknowingly might prevent you from getting a visa in another country, not to mention barred from two in Asia, possibly more?  Nah, me neither. Angst.

Have you ever wanted to punch everything around you including the air? Like... you decide to take a huge risk and life change only to get knocked down... hard. Like, one of the only hard times in your life you're gonna get knocked down like that. But you get up, don't quit, and keep going. You take time during the adjustment and find a new place, new job, new secondary job, new bicycle, new gym. You reach your goal. You were able to take the step knowing you were going to get knocked down, probably harder than you've ever been knocked down before, but you do it anyway. And you're fine. You make new life plans only to then be kicked in the balls. Everything that you had saved up and worked for to make happen after that huge risk, everything that you gathered together and organized is then threatened for weeks to then be relieved, and then kicked in the balls. Aggression.

I realized that these feelings I have are normal, but the way I'm handling them are pretty average. Whatever is meant to happen always does. But look at the facts. Yeah, I fucked up back in the day unintentionally, unknowingly, and unwittingly for which I am now getting the karma kick in the face for it. But it isn't so bad if I think about it, because I realized that getting a travel ban from two countries means I've been living my life exactly the way I want to. That sounds a bit reckless, but when you've made the promise to yourself already that you're not going to sacrifice your beliefs and who you are for things, especially when you're not hurting a damn person for it, you've got to stick to your guns no matter what the consequences. So fuck average and fuck changing who you are, regardless of the consequences it may bring. Fuck average.

Macro photography--amazing.

Finding Jack 420: The Prequel is coming along VERY nicely. So fun. By the time you read this though you're not going to be able to see the pictures though... but you can download it for FREE :) More later.